Home > Áreas Terapéuticas > ENFERMEDADES AUTOINMUNES > Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Oyagüez I, Díaz-Rubio M, on behalf of COSCOL investigators

Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Oyagüez I, Díaz-Rubio M, on behalf of COSCOL investigators

Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Oyagüez I, Díaz-Rubio M, on behalf of COSCOL investigators


Unexpected follow-up surgeries related to failures in colectomy for ulcerative colitis
Digestive Disease Week (DDW). Chicago, Illinois. 30 may-4 jun 2009