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Berlana D, Asunción Mª, Reyes M, Fernández A, Torralba A, Cervera-Peris, Piñeiro G, Romero-Jiménez R, Vázquez A, Ramírez E, Yébenes M, Muñoz A



Cost, time and errors assessment during preparation of parenteral nutrition: multichamber-bag versus hospital-compounded bags
J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2019:43(4):557-565

Burgos R, Virgili MN, Cuerda MC, Moreno JM, Olveira G, Luengo LM, Wanden-Berghe C, Muñoz A, Torres C, Casado MA



Estimación del coste de la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España
Nutr Hosp. 2017; 34(2):271-276

Berlana D, Almendral MA, Abad MR, Fernández A, Torralba A, Cervera M, Piñeiro G, Romero-Jiménez R, Vázquez A, Ramírez E, Marced-Barrachina E, Muñoz A, Torres C


Economic assessment in the preparation of parenteral nutrition: Manual compounded bags versus three-chamber bags. Nutripar study
37th European Society For Clinical Nutrition And Metabolism Congress (ESPEN). Lisboa, Portugal. 5-8 sep 2015