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‘HispaNICE’: the Creation of an ‘Independent Authority for the Evaluation of Health Practices and Policies’ Gathers Momentum

‘HispaNICE’: the Creation of an ‘Independent Authority for the Evaluation of Health Practices and Policies’ Gathers Momentum

Over three hundred academic researchers, professionals, and experts have recently signed a manifesto called ‘For a Hispa-NICE: now or never’ in support of the creation of an agency for the evaluation of health care practices and policies, analogous to England’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellent (NICE).

The manifesto was signed by prominent experts from a number of sectors, such as Guillem López-Casasnovas (member of the Directors Board of the Bank of Spain since 2005, and former President of the International Health Economics Association, among others); Rafael Bengoa (former Minister of Health of the Basque Country, and member of OHE Policy Committee); Félix Lobo (President of the Spanish National Health System’s Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Provision Financing); former presidents of the department of health; presidents of various scientific societies and medical associations, as well as associations such as the Spanish Health Economics Association, and the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration.