

Home > Therapeutic Areas > VACCINATION

Forcada-Segarra JA, Cuesta-Esteve I, García-Pérez A, Sancho Martínez R, Rey Biel P, Carrera-Barnet G, de la Cuadra-Grande A, Casado MA, Drago G, Gómez-Barrera M, López-Belmonte JL


Nurses’ preferences regarding MenACWY conjugate vaccines attributes: a discrete choice experiment in Spain
Public Health 230 (2024) 163e171

Harper D, Navarro-Alonso JA, Bosch X, Gilca V, Paavonen J, Stanley M, Sasieni P, Yébenes M, Martínez N, Rodríguez Á, García A, Martín L, Vallejo L, Carrión H, Ruíz García Y


Clinical impact of human papillomavirus vaccines in the reduction of cervical cancer, precursor lesions and infections: a systematic literature review
35th International Papillomavirus Conference – IPVC 2023. Washington DC, USA. 17 abr 2023


Rodríguez González-Moro JM, Menéndez R, Campins M, Lwoff N, Oyagüez I, Echave M, Rejas J, Antoñanzas F



Cost-effectiveness of 13-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccination program in COPD patients aged 50+ years in Spain
Clin Drug Investig. 2016;36:41-53

Menéndez R, Rodríguez-GonzálezMoro JM, Gros B, Echave M, Oyagüez I, Lwoff N, Egea-García M, Guijarro P



Cost-effectiveness of a 13-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccination program in COPD patients aged ≥50 years in Spain: Preliminary results
16th Annual European Congress International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Dublin, Irlanda. 2-6 nov 2013


Garcia-Jurado L , Morano R, Torné A, Malvar A, Bayas JM, Pérez-Escolano I, Casado MA



Cost-efectiveness analysis of cervical cancer vaccination strategies in Spain
14th Annual European Congress International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Madrid, Spain 5-8 nov 2011


Torné A, Bayas JM, Malvar A, Morano R, Garcia-Jurado L, Pérez-Escolano I, Casado MA



Análisis coste-efectividad de la vacunación frente al cáncer de cervix en España
Congreso de Sociedad Española de Espidemiología y la Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria (SEE-SESPAS) Madrid, España. 6-8 oct 2011. Comunicación Oral

Picazo J, Mendez C, Oyagüez I, Casado MA, Guijarro PA



Cost-utility analysis of new pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in the regional immunization program of the Autonomous Region of Madrid – Impact on invasive pneumococcal disease
13th Annual European Congress International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Prague, Czech Republic. 6-9 nov 2010


Picazo J, Méndez C, Oyagüez I, Casado MA, Guijarro P



Coste-utilidad de la incorporación de las nuevas vacunas antineumocócicas conjugadas al programa de vacunación de la comunidad de Madrid. Impacto sobre la enfermedad neumocócica invasora
Vacunas. 2010;11:96-104