Home > Project Types > CI > Santamaria R, De Juan-Ribera J, Martinez-Sanchez F, Pendon-Ruiz De Mier V, Gil-Garcia C, Lopez-Ruiz MJ, Casado A, Ordovas M, Espinosa M, Del Pino MD

Santamaria R, De Juan-Ribera J, Martinez-Sanchez F, Pendon-Ruiz De Mier V, Gil-Garcia C, Lopez-Ruiz MJ, Casado A, Ordovas M, Espinosa M, Del Pino MD

Santamaria R, De Juan-Ribera J, Martinez-Sanchez F, Pendon-Ruiz De Mier V, Gil-Garcia C, Lopez-Ruiz MJ, Casado A, Ordovas M, Espinosa M, Del Pino MD


Burden of disease in patients with Fabry disease: Economic burden of health care and non-health care resources consumption
56th Congress of European Renal Association-European Dyalisis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA). Budapest (Hungary). 13-16 jun 2019