Health Economic Evaluation

Pricing and Reimbursement

Market Access

Real-World Evidence

Scientific Communication

Healthcare Management

Advisory Boards



PORIB aims to demonstrate the efficiency of a health intervention, relating its cost and the health outcomes or benefits it brings to patients, their caregivers and society, through:

  • Studies of resource consumption and cost analysis.
  • Burden and cost of illness studies, from a health perspective or a social perspective (including costs related to labour productivity loss and informal care).
  • Cost-minimization, cost-effectiveness, cost-utility and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Cost-consequence analysis.
  • Budget impact analysis.
  • Modelling studies: decision analysis, Markov models, discrete event simulation, microsimulation and models with individual patient data.
    • De novo model design.
    • Adaptation of models.

PORIB aims to achieve the value-based pricing of the drug or medical device and its public financing, for inclusion in the pharmaceutical provision, therefore PORIB is focused on:

  • Development of value dossiers and clinical-economic evaluation reports for the therapeutic positioning of national (strategies for obtaining price and reimbursement) and regional (access) Health Authorities.
  • Carrying out studies on the sensitivity of decision makers (stakeholders) to the price of medicines.
  • Presentation of the necessary documentation to obtain the price and reimbursement of the health intervention.
  • Strategic consulting and negotiation processes with the Ministry of Health during the drug pricing and reimbursement procedure.
  • Development of innovative financial or health outcome agreement programs (risk sharing, conditional financing, payment by results), to favour patient access to new health interventions.


Health interventions must demonstrate to the Health Authorities their level of innovation, socioeconomic value, incremental clinical benefit, therapeutic usefulness, cost-effectiveness and budgetary impact. For this purpose, PORIB delivers:

  • Value dossiers and clinical-economic evaluation reports for Health Authorities, Health Technology Assesment bodies, and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees.
  • Communication strategies and market access plans, mainly in particularly specific situations (onco-haematology, personalised medicine, and rare diseases).
  • Interactive tools and models, adaptable to different scenarios, for direct use by Product Specialists, Medical Affairs or Medical Advisor, Key Account Managers and Institutional Relations Managers.
  • Stakeholder mapping and landscape analysis studies.
  • Risk-sharing and patient access programs.
  • Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).
  • Healthcare benchmarking programs.

Information on the safety and efficacy of a health intervention must be complemented with effectiveness-based data to demonstrate the benefits of that intervention in the “real-world” (RWE), in routine clinical practice. For this purpose, PORIB develops:

  • Effectiveness studies
    • Observational studies.
    • Studies with pragmatic and naturalistic designs.
    • Studies incorporating economic variables.
  • Epidemiological studies
    • Descriptive or analytical, cross-sectional or longitudinal, retrospective or prospective, observational or experimental studies.
    • Studies of use, prescription, or treatment patterns.
  • Patient Reported Outcomes measures (PROm) and Patient-Reported Experience measures (PREm) studies
    • Health-related quality of life.
    • Preferences, by means of discrete choice experiments (DCE) and conjoint analysis (CA).
    • Satisfaction and expectations with treatment.
    • Level of disability.
  • Compliance studies
    • Adherence and persistence studies.
    • Support and health education programs for patients.

PORIB develops studies that review and synthesise the available clinical, economic, humanistic and social evidence on health interventions through:

  • Literature research and systematic reviews.
  • Meta-analysis.
  • Matching-adjusted indirect comparisons (MAIC), mixed-treatment comparisons (MTC) and network meta-analysis (NMA).
  • Preparation, coordination and adaptation of clinical practice guidelines, consensus or recommendations, based on published scientific evidence.

In addition, PORIB collaborates with experts in the development of documents describing the results of a health research, a scientific evidence study or an economic evaluation, through:

  • Development and adaptation of articles for publication in scientific journals (in English and Spanish).
  • Preparation of abstracts, oral communications and posters for scientific congresses (in English and Spanish).
  • Preparation and adaptation of national and regional value dossiers.
  • Development, coordination and edition of reports, monographs and books.
  • Critical review of published articles.
  • Design of materials (in graphic or digital format): case report forms for research protocols (paper or electronic), graphic materials for congresses, conferences, courses or seminars and development of user-friendly and interactive calculators for web and mobile (iPad, iPhone, and Android).

The efficient management of resources allows improving the response of the Healthcare System to the needs and preferences of patients and their caregivers (“patient centricity”), offering sustainable services that allow the adaptation to a greater demand for care, with an improvement in the productivity of the healthcare professionals. PORIB is involved in the development of:

  • Value-based healthcare (VBHC) management through the evaluation and review of healthcare procedures to obtain the best health outcomes.
  • Lean healthcare management systems with the aim of improving patient satisfaction and excellence in the service provided by healthcare professionals, while enriching the quality and efficiency of care.
  • Patient journey mapping to identify unmet needs and areas for improvement in the management of a pathology or a treatment.
  • Digital transformation of the healthcare sector, based on the use of information and communications technologies in support of health (eHealth).

For improving access to any medicine or health intervention, it is necessary to know the perception and expectations of the different stakeholders: patients (including patient associations), health professionals, health administration, managers, health economists and politicians. For this purpose, PORIB carries out Advisory Boards, deliberative processes, or face-to-face and virtual meetings with the aim of:

  • Understanding the current unmet needs, encourage debate concerning strategic aspects related to a health intervention and reach consensus among representatives of the groups involved in a decision.
  • Setting the sensitivity of stakeholders on the price of medicines.
  • Evaluating the suitability and convenience as well as validate the design and data of economic evaluation models.

Biostatistics provides the necessary knowledge and understanding of health outcomes to objectively communicate available information and achieve an efficient application of existing socioeconomic resources. In this area, PORIB performs:

  • Experimental designs: calculation of sample sizes, development of protocols and planning of the statistical methodology of research studies.
  • Clinical or economic databases.
  • Statistical analysis and reports for clinical, epidemiological, and socio-health services research.
  • Interpretation and effective communication of results.

PORIB delivers general and tailored training on concepts and methodology of Health Economics and Real-World Evidence (RWE)/Health Outcomes Research, through:

  • Face-to-face and online programs.
  • Practical training adapted to the needs of different work teams (medical-scientific departments, market access, business units).
  • Tailored training programs for healthcare professionals (clinicians, pharmacists, nurses) covering pathologies or products.
  • Accreditation of training programs.

Price and Reimbursement

PORIB aims to achieve the value-based pricing of the drug or medical device and its public financing, for inclusion in the pharmaceutical provision, therefore PORIB is focused on:

  • Development of value dossiers and clinical-economic evaluation reports for the therapeutic positioning of national (strategies for obtaining price and reimbursement) and regional (access) Health Authorities.
  • Carrying out studies on the sensitivity of decision makers (stakeholders) to the price of medicines.
  • Presentation of the necessary documentation to obtain the price and reimbursement of the health intervention.
  • Strategic consulting and negotiation processes with the Ministry of Health during the drug pricing and reimbursement procedure.
  • Development of innovative financial or health outcome agreement programs (risk sharing, conditional financing, payment by results), to favour patient access to new health interventions.