Home > Project Types > CI > Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Mendoza JL, Oyagüez I, Sabater FJ, on behalf of COSCOL study investigators

Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert JP, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Mendoza JL, Oyagüez I, Sabater FJ, on behalf of COSCOL study investigators

Taxonera C, Calvet X, Gisbert J, Rodrigo L, Bujanda L, Muñoz F, Ponce M, Gómez-Camacho F, Mendoza JL, Oyagüez I, López-Belmonte JL



Patient undergoing colectomy because of ulcerative colitis had a very high rate of surgical complications in clinical practice conditions
5th Congress of ECCO – the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation. Praga, Rep Checa. 25-27 feb 2010