Home > Therapeutic Areas > OPHTHALMOLOGY > Blanco-Dominguez I, Duch F, Polo V, Abad JM, Gomez-Barrera M, Garcia-Martin E

Blanco-Dominguez I, Duch F, Polo V, Abad JM, Gomez-Barrera M, Garcia-Martin E

Blanco-Dominguez I, Duch F, Polo V, Abad JM, Gomez-Barrera M, Garcia-Martin E



Correlation and regression analysis between residual gradation and uncorrected visual acuity one year after refractive surgery with LASIK, FS-LASIK, PRK, PRK Xtra techniques and the implantation of ICL® posterior chamber phakic lens in myopic correction
PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0238399. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238399. eCollection 2020