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Clinical and economic value of sofosbuvir-based regimens in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in Spain
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Clinical and economic impact of an alert system in primary care for the detection of patients with chronic hepatitis C
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Correlation and regression analysis between residual gradation and uncorrected visual acuity one year after refractive surgery with LASIK, FS-LASIK, PRK, PRK Xtra techniques and the implantation of ICL® posterior chamber phakic lens in myopic correction
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Randomized prospective study evaluating tenofovir disoproxil fumarate prophylaxis against hepatitis B virus reactivation in anti- HBc-positive patients with rituximab-based regimens to treat hematologic malignancies: The Preblin study
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Prediction of week 4 virological response in hepatitis C for making decision on triple therapy: The Optim Study
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